My mind is open Paul Erdős
The Open Mind Prize is awarded biennially during the Polish Combinatorial Conference to a junior Polish researcher for outstanding research in combinatorics. Out of all applicants, the Prize Committee nominates three final contenders who deliver special lectures during the conference. One of the invited speakers, chosen by the Program Committee, selects and announces the winner. For more details see the rules of the Prize. The Prize was awarded for the first time in 2010. Here is the list of the past winners (we give the affiliations at the time the Prize was awarded):
- 2020: Marcin Wrochna (University of Oxford), announced by Zoltan Füredi
- 2018: Andrzej Grzesik (Jagiellonian University, University of Warwick), announced by Béla Bollobás
- 2016: Michał Lasoń (Polish Academy of Sciences), announced by Michał Karoński
- 2014: Aleksander Mądry (EPFL Lausanne), announced by Alan Frieze
- 2012: Wojciech Samotij (University of Cambridge), announced by Endre Szemerédi
- 2010: Barłomiej Bosek (Jagiellonian University) and Andrzej Dudek (Carnegie Mellon University), announced by Tomasz Łuczak